The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Condemns the Immoral Actions of Azerbaijan


"Another manifestation of anti-Armenian sentiment was the so-called "Park of Trophies" recently opened in Baku with inhuman, humiliating scenes depicting Armenian soldiers and prisoners of war. The Azerbaijani authorities continue to pursue its policy of inciting ethnic hostility, ignoring the basic norms of international humanitarian law. Today, our captive children suffer in Azerbaijani prisons, thousands of displaced and deprived families are suffering, and in the occupied territories of Artsakh, the atrocities against our thousand-year-old cultural heritage continue. The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, condemning the anti-human and immoral actions of Azerbaijan in the post-war period, calls on the international community, relevant organizations and institutions to properly assess these phenomena of gross violations of human rights and insult to the dignity of the nation.