August 21st Marks the 70th Anniversary of the Birth of the Catholicos of All Armenians


"And the Hope never embarrasses. "We pray with firm conviction of thefollowin Gospel truth,, so that in the face of the trials that befell our homeland, the difficult situation created, we will never weaken or fall back, but increase our love, strengthen the hope and faith in our hearts", is stated in the response to the congratulations and wishes of the anniversary. In the days before and after the anniversary, the Catholicos of All Armenians paid visits to Switzerland and Austria related to the programs of the Mother See. Rev. Fr. Archpriest Vahram Melikyan, Director of the Information Services Department of the Mother See, stated that "... due to the circumstances known to everyone, the anniversary will not be celebrated by the private wish of His Holiness, and no any event will be held."