Candelight Divine Liturgy at the St. Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan


On January 05, the Eve of the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Candlelight Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the St. Sarkis Cathedral of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese. The celebrant was Very. Rev. Fr. Archmandrite Narek Avagyan. His Eminence Archbishop Navasard Ktchoyan, Vicar of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese, Mr. Serj Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, Mr.Hovik Abrahamyan , Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Taron Margaryan, Mayor of the city of Yerevan and many faithful were in attendance for the Holy Service.