“You are the Heroes of our Times”: Catholicos of All Armenians Received RA President and the Injured Soldiers in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

“You are the Heroes of our Times”: Catholicos of All Armenians Received RA President and the Injured Soldiers in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 19.12.2019

On December 19, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received the 15 Armenian sons injured in Nagorno-Karabakh War and during their service on the borders. They visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin led  by Mr. Armen Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia.

His Holiness expressed his joy on the occasion of the Motherland defenders' visit to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, with gratitude stating, that it is due to such devoted service of the brave Armenian sons that we have a peaceful and secure Homeland.

The Pontiff of All Armenians welcomed and emphasized the importance of such initiatives, which aims to honor the brave soldiers of the Armenian Army, as well as, to draw the public's attention to their problems, difficulties of returning to normal life after being injured and disabled.

 “We love and appreciate you a lot. You are the heroes of our times. Through your life, your course and courage, you have also verified and confirmed our fathers’ words, that the sons of the brave are the brave. You are the brave sons of our ancestors”, -stated His Holiness alluding the biblical words, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”(John 15.13).

Affirming, that with their patriotism and courage they are the best and instructive example for the new generation, the Pontiff of All Armenians emphasized, that the nation loves its heroes and defenders and always ready to support the Armenian Army.

His Holiness expressed his appreciation, that the injuries the soldiers received during the Nagorno-Karabakh War and the defense of the Motherland borders, have not depressed the brave spirit of the Armenian sons, and they continue the course of their life with optimism and faith, providing useful service towards the Armenian people and Homeland in a variety of spheres, and their families proudly and with a high sense of patriotism share the difficulties, they face.

The Catholicos of All Armenians asked God to protect and support the courageous soldiers wishing them a peaceful and happy life.

Following this, RA President Armen Sargsyan conveyed his remarks to the attendees.

“Without hesitation, I say, that each of you is a hero. The heroes are not only those who have the title of hero, but those who are heroes in the way they live their lives, in their spirit, in the heroic victory that they have given us. All of you are the soldiers of the victorious Army. It is due to the efforts of each of you that we can say, that we truly have one of the most powerful Armies in the region. The Army is also strong with its spirit.

When the Army was being formed, your fathers and grandfathers stood up in defense of the Motherland and Artsakh and won. The spirit of that victory is directly transmitted to the next generation, it has directly been transmitted to you, with the advice you have received from your parents, with the spirit and strong will you have inherited from your fathers, grandfathers, mothers, and grandmothers. You have given your life and your health to the Homeland, you have struggled for life and won, you have overcome the difficulties and kept the belief towards the life inside you: your life is meaningful”, _ stated the President.

At the conclusion, the Pontiff of All Armenians and the RA President talked to the attendees.

Following the meeting, under the presidency of the Catholicos of All Armenians; and in the presence of the RA President and injured soldiers; a Prayer for the Republic was offered at the St. Vartan and St. Hovhannes Chapel-Baptistry of the Mother See. At the ceremony, a prayer was offered to God for peace and steadiness of the Fatherland and the victorious path of the Armenian Army.

A reception was also held, during which the Catholicos of All Armenians and the President conveyed their best wishes to the brave soldiers.