Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America Elects New Primate

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America Elects New Primate 07.05.2003

On Friday, May 2, the Annual Diocesan Assembly of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America convened in the Diocesan Headquarters located in Burbank, California. During the business session on Saturday morning, May 3, a new Diocesan Primate was elected to succeed His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, who is retiring after 32 years of fruitful and dedicated service as head of the Diocese. 

The delegates attending the 76th Annual Diocesan Assembly from throughout the parishes of the Western Diocese, elected His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada, to lead one of the largest dioceses in the Diaspora. Abp. Derderian becomes the eighth Primate of the Western Diocese since 1927. Prior to that date, the Armenian Community living in the Western United States was under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). 

On May 6, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, blessed and officially confirmed the election of the new Primate in a Pontifical Letter that was sent to the Diocesan Headquarters in Burbank. 

Abp. Hovnan Derderian will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy as Primate of the Western Diocese on Sunday, May 11 in Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church of Pasadena. 

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(Prepared by the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, May 6, 2003) 

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian was the youngest Armenian clergyman to have been elevated to the rank of Archbishop. Born on December 1, 1957, in Beirut, Lebanon, and named Vahram at his baptism, Archbishop Derderian attended the Antelias Seminary at the age of 13 and graduated in 1975. The following year, he traveled to Etchmiadzin, Armenia and completed his studies at the Seminary of the Mother See in 1980. In the same year, he was ordained a Celibate Priest by the venerable His Holiness Vazken I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and was renamed Father Hovnan. 

In 1980, on the recommendation of His Holiness the Catholicos, the young priest went to Oxford University, England, to continue his education. In 1983, he obtained his Bachelor?s Degree in Theology from Oxford. He returned to Etchmiadzin and worked at the Seminary lecturing on the History of the Armenian Church, General Church history, and music. Apart from his teaching assignments, he devoted all the time he could spare to work on his thesis, which comprised an in-depth study of the 'Guides to Church Feasts' (Tonapatjar). 

One year later in 1984, already ordained "Vardapet," Father Hovnan was appointed Pastor of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Toronto, Canada. He diligently served the Toronto Community for the following six years. Through his efforts, the Toronto Chapter of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of Canada (ACYOC) became an active and vibrant group, the Committee to Aid Immigrants was created in 1986 and the Senior Citizens? Group was formed. Parallel to his personal duties, he undertook the construction project of the new Church Building and the adjoining structures, and thanks to his hard work and the dedicated support of the Parish Council and individual parishioners, the entire project was crowned with success. In appreciation for his valuable services, Father Hovnan Derderian was honored with an Encyclical by His Holiness Vazken I in 1986, and the following year, the Catholicos himself, visited Toronto to officiate at the dedication of the newly-built Holy Trinity Church. 

Pastoral responsibilities and numerous community-related activities have not hindered Father Hovnan Derderian from pursuing his studies. In 1987, he received his Master's Degree in Theology from Oxford University. Also, on the occasion of the conferment of the rank of 'Dzairaguin Vardapet' he presented and published a work entitled, "A Practical Manual of Pastoral Theology." 

At the Diocesan Delegates' Meeting of May 25-26, 1990 in St. Catharines, Ontario, The Very Rev. Fr. Hovnan Derderian was elected primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church in Canada. On October 7th of the same year, His Holiness Vazken I consecrated him a Bishop in the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. On February 18, 1993, the Catholicos in concurrence with the request presented by the Diocesan Council, issued an Encyclical elevating His Eminence to the rank of 'Archbishop.' In 1995, Archbishop Hovnan was elected for his second term as Primate of the Armenian Church in Canada, and in 2000, his third term. 

As Primate, His Eminence was responsible for the expansion of the CFFA Program (Children's Fund For Armenia) and for the creation of CYMA (Canadian Youth Mission to Armenia), two of the most successful volunteer managed programs in support of the young Republic of Armenia. He is also responsible for the founding of several new Armenian Parishes and Communities for the establishment of the Canadian Diocese Endowment Fund. 

Throughout 2001, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian traveled the world extensively as Chairman of the Committee for the celebration of the 1700th Anniversary of Armenia's official adoption of Christianity as the State Religion. During his travels, and his work in the Homeland, Archbishop Derderian sought and identified young faithful volunteers worldwide to guide the progress and growth of the Armenian Church internationally. 

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian has authored a number of booklets and articles on religious themes and personal experiences, which reflect a deeper inner life and emphasis on the values of spirituality. 

The delegates of the Seventy-Sixth (76th) Diocesan Assembly, held on May 3, 2003, at the Diocesan Headquarters in Burbank, California, by majority vote, elected His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian as the eighth (8th) Primate of the Armenian Church of North America Western Diocese.