Very Rev. Fr. Vatche Dzayraguyn Vartabed Ignatiosian Enters Eternal Rest

Very Rev. Fr. Vatche Dzayraguyn Vartabed Ignatiosian Enters Eternal Rest 14.01.2003

His Beatitude Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, regretfully announced that the Very Rev. Father Vatche Dz. Vartabed Ignatiosian entered his eternal rest. Fr. Vatche was a member of the Brotherhood of Saint James of Jerusalem. 

Father Vatche passed away on January 6, in Marseille, France, where he had served faithfully for many years, as pastor to the Armenian churches of Sts. Thaddeus and Bartholomew and St. Sahak - St. Mesrop. 

On the sad occasion of the untimely death of Fr. Vatche, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians sent messages of condolence to His Beatitude Abp. Manoogian, and Pontifical Legate to Western Europe and Primate of Paris, His Eminence Archbishop Kude Nakkashian. In the messages, His Holiness offered prayers for the eternal rest for the soul of Fr. Vatche. 

Very Rev. Fr. Vatche Dz. Vartabed Ignatiosian (baptismal name Harutiun) was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1939. He received his theological education first at the Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, and later in the Seminary of the Armenian Patriarchate of Saint James in Jerusalem. 

In 1961, he was ordained a celibate priest. From 1966-1969 he studied in the Catholic Institute of Paris to increase the depth of his knowledge in theology and patristics. 

Father Vatche is the author of numerous books, among which are "The Intercession of the Saints", "Our Holy Liturgy", "Armenian Miniature Painting and Toros Roslin", "The Mother of God", and many other literary works. 

The Last Blessing and Burial Service for Fr. Vatche took place on January 13, in Marseille, in the Church of the Holy Translators.