The Distribution Service of the Holy Muron was held in the Mother See

The Distribution Service of the Holy Muron was held in the Mother See 30.09.2024

On September 30, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; the distribution service of the newly blessed Holy Muron took place in the Pontifical Residence.

Following the Lord's prayer, His Eminence Archbishop Arshak Khachatryan, Chancellor of the Mother See, recording that the ceremonies of the Blessing of the Holy Muron and the re-consecration of the Mother Cathedral were held successfully, granting spiritual comfort and enthusiasm to everyone.

Then the Catholicos of All Armenians handed over the vessels full of Holy Muron to His Eminence Archbishop Sahak Mashalyan, Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople; the representatives of the Great House of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the diocesan primates participating in the ceremony.

The ceremony was concluded with the blessing and command of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians.

Expressing his gratitude to the Almighty Lord regarding the services of the Blessing of the Holy Muron and the re-consecration of the Mother Cathedral, His Holiness emphasized in particular: "Beloved ones, today with a courageous spirit we convey to you the newly blessed Holy Muron, so that it may be distributed with its heavenly graces to all our faithful people, full of faith and hope, and in loyalty to our Church, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin."

Referring to today's challenges, the Armenian Patriarch stated: "We must try to strengthen our hope and faith in the current trials, keep it alive and keep it strong, to abound the blessings of God in our lives. As the historian Mattheos Urhaietsi says, our faith, which is based on the diamond foundations of St. Thaddeus and Bartholomew apostles and St. Gregory the Illuminator, is and will remain forever unshakable. The faith handed down by the holy apostles and the venerable patriarch and our ancestral heritage and loyalty to the sacred values will continue to be the unshakable pillars of our God-pleasing, nationalistic life, being zealously passed down from generation to generation."

In his remarks, the Catholicos of All Armenians expressed confidence that the Muron distributed from the Mother See will grant spiritual renewal and strength to the Armenian people with God's heavenly graces, and the Holy Name of Christ will always unite the children of the nation with the hope of salvation.

"We believe that with the fulfillment of the Lord's commands, our people will find the ways of their ascent, healing their wounds and going to peaceful and safe havens," added the Armenian Patriarch.

At the conclusion, His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the attendees for doing their best to solve the problems facing the homeland and the people, asking that the Heavenly Lord bless and make their efforts fruitful for the sake of the safety and peace of the homeland, the spiritual awakening and well-being of the Armenian oral flock, and the brightness of the Church.