The Catholicos of All Armenians Received the Chief Executive Director of "Renovabis" Charitable Organization

On March 8, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Father Thomas Schwartz, Chief Executive Officer of "Renovabis" Charity Organization in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
At the meeting, His Holiness expressed his appreciation to Father Thomas Schwartz for the charitable programs implemented by the organization in Armenia, which are specifically aimed at war-affected families. His Holiness reflected on the warm relations and long-term cooperation between the "Renovabis" charitable organization and the Mother See, expressing his gratitude for the support provided by the Sister Churches in difficult situations for Armenia.
During the conversation, the Armenian Patriarch also referred to the security issues facing Armenia and Artsakh; Azerbaijan's occupation of the sovereign territories of Armenia and continued aggression as evidenced by the blocking of the Lachine Corridor; as well as the recent attack of the Azerbaijani subversive group on the officers of the Artsakh police.
In this regard, His Holiness noted the importance of the international community's efforts aimed at establishing stability in the region and protecting the just rights of our people.
In turn, speaking about the humanitarian mission of the organization, Father Thomas Schwartz emphasized that he is always a supporter of the needy and the Church and expressed his willingness to continue the cooperation with the Armenian Church.