The Catholicos of All Armenians received the "Armenian Library Association" members

On February 16, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received members of the "Armenian Library Association" (ALA), accompanied by Rev. Fr. Ararat Poghosyan, Director of the "Vatche and Tamar Manookian" Matenadaran and Publishing Department of the Mother See.
Father Ararat, introducing the guests to His Holiness, emphasized that the latter arrived at the Mother See ahead of the Book Donation Day, to receive the blessings of the Patriarch of All Armenians. Father Ararat also referred to the existing cooperation between the Publishing Department of the Mother See and the Armenian Library Association.
The Armenian Patriarch, conveying his paternal blessing and good wishes to the members of the Armenian Library Association, wished a fruitful mission in strengthening the love of reading among Armenians and in the mission of communicating the literary heritage. His Holiness the Patriarch highly appreciated the activities of libraries for the benefit of the education and spiritual development of Armenians, also affirming that the book is the best companion in a person's life. On this occasion, the Armenian Patriarch recorded that the Church has always stood at the origins of the creation of literature, the education and the upbringing of generations.
In turn, Mrs. Ruzan Tonoyan, president of the Armenian Library Association and Director of the National Children's Library named after Khnko Aper, expressed gratitude to the Catholicos of All Armenians for the reception and conveyed information about the foundation, activities and upcoming plans of the National Children's Library.
During the conversation, the challenges facing the libraries were discussed, as well as the possible ways of overcoming them, as well as expanding the interaction with the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.