The Catholicos of All Armenians Received Mr. Samvel Karapetyan, National Philanthropist and Godfather of Blessing of the Holy Muron

The Catholicos of All Armenians Received Mr. Samvel Karapetyan, National Philanthropist and Godfather of Blessing of the Holy Muron 02.10.2024

On October 2, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Mr. Samvel Karapetyan, National Philanthropist and Godfather of Blessing of the Holy Muron.

At the meeting, His Holiness referred to the patriotic and ecclesiastical activities of the great national philanthropist, who with zeal has always supported the construction and brightness of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church and Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

His Holiness highly appreciated Mr. Samvel Karapetyan's church-loving spirit and commitment to assume the godfathership of the Blessing of the Holy Muron and, as a cherished memory of that ceremony, presented him the sample of the muron blessing jar of 2024, with which the muron blessed in Holy Etchmiadzin is distributed to our people around the world through the thrones of the Hierarchical Sees, diocesan primates.

At the conclusion, the Armenian Patriarch wished that the most abundant blessings of God and the graces of the Holy Spirit always accompany the national philanthropist Mr. Samvel Karapetyan and his pious family.