The Catholicos of All Armenians Received Chairman of the Parish Council of St. Kirakos Church of Tigranaket of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople

On December 16, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; received Vardges Erkun Ayki, Chairman of the Parish Council of St. Kirakos Church of Tigranaket of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople.
At the meeting, Mr. Ayki informed His Holiness that in May 2022, the Church of St. Kirakos was reopened again, presenting the activities of the small community operating under the auspices of the church.
The Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his gratitude and best wishes to Mr. Ayki for his devoted service, expressing his satisfaction that Armenian churches and cultural heritage are being diligently repaired and preserved by the efforts of the Patriarch of All Armenians and his faithful children.