The Catholicos of All Armenians attended the 92nd Congress of the Armenian General Benevolent Union

On October 8, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; attended the opening ceremony of the official part of the 92nd Congress of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), during which he conveyed his blessings and message to the participants of the congress.
"Dear President of the Republic of Armenia,
Honorable President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union,
Dear attendees,
On the occasion of the 92nd congress of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, we extend our Patriarchal blessings and best wishes to all of you.
Today we are again referring to the Union's national interest and church activities. With its more than 100 years of activity, the Armenian General Benevolent Union has left a lasting mark in the recent history of our nation. With established structures in different countries of the world, the Charity has zealously served our people around the world, bringing an important contribution to the education of our nation's children, recognition of identity, strengthening of the patriotic spirit, progress and well-being of national and native life.
"Do not forget charity and sharing the good things you have with one another, for such liturgies are pleasing to God," says the Apostle (Heb. 13:16). With this message, the devotees of the Armenian General Benevolent Union have always served in the national-ecclesiastical sanctuary. They humbly remember the famous presidents of the Charity, Poghos Nubar Pasha, Galust Gulbenkyan, Zareh Nubar, Arshak Karagyozyan, Alek Manukyan, Louise Manukyan Simon and all the bright-hearted members, following the path set by them, the Armenian General Benevolent Union is records success under the leadership of its courageous president, Perch Sedrakyan.
This annual congress of the Armenian General Benevolent Union takes place during a difficult time for Armenia and Artsakh. Our people are facing the dangers of new losses. The ongoing processes surrounding the establishment of a long-awaited peace with the presented compulsions cause serious doubts regarding the territorial integrity of Armenia, the status of Artsakh and the establishment of long-term stability in the region. In order to overcome the horrors of the 44-day war, as well as the military operations unleashed against Armenia by Azerbaijan, today Armenia and Artsakh, our homeland, needs the unification of our people from all over the world, as well as the continuous support of friendly states.
The Armenian General Benevolent Union with its many branches and the national institutions operating in different countries should make undiminished efforts in cooperation to pursue our national interests with effective means and keep the call for the establishment of justice towards our people and homeland. In order to face the internal and external challenges, it is necessary and urgent to unite our people around the world, to rethink and strengthen the relations between the motherland and the diaspora, and to bring together all our national potential.
It is a pleasure for me as a Patriarch, to confirm that the Armenian General Benevolent Union has always been by the side of the motherland both during the First Republic and during the Soviet times and during the decades of independence, always responding to the needs and demands of our people. Support to the mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church has been and continues to be one of the main priorities of the charity's activity. The cooperation with our Holy Church in the educational, cultural, social and church building fields, which resulted in many achievements of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, has become a blessing in Armenian life.
During the years of the Artsakh liberation movement, after that and throughout the last war, the Armenian General Benevolent Union supported the Artsakh Armenians, the families of captured and killed soldiers, the wounded and the displaced through various programs. The visit of Mr. Perch Sedrakyan, president of the Armenian General Benevolent Union to Artsakh with us was the expression of the Benefactor's concern for Artsakh Armenians.
Our Holy Church, faithful to the vision of progress of national life, strengthening of statehood and realization of national dreams, will continue to contribute to overcoming the existing problems, building a peaceful and safe future of our country and efforts aimed at the welfare of the nation.
Honorable President and honorable members of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, we ask for God's support and blessing for you in your patriot mission. It is our prayer that the Almighty will make the God-pleasing service of the Armenian General Benevolent Union effective for the good of our people and for the building of our motherland with God's new successes and achievements.
We wish the work of the congressan effective progress.
May the grace, love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all, today and always. Amen."