Supreme Spiritual Council Issues Announcement

Supreme Spiritual Council Issues Announcement 10.03.2017

From March 7 to 9, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; a Supreme Spiritual Council was convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, during which they reflected on various issues related to national life, including the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

In regards to the upcoming elections, the Supreme Spiritual Council issued the following statement:

“In accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church, our people are observing the prayerful days of Great Lent; a period of self-examination, repentance and penitence. During this period of Lent, April 2nd is also a cherished day for our people, with the bright memory of our martyred sons from the April four-day war; and the holding of our National Assembly elections: an important event in our national life, and a crucial step in the Armenian nation-building. The coming elections are particularly significant for our country, preparing for the further development of Mother Armenia.

The Supreme Spiritual Council appeals to our Church children and the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, to participate in the elections with responsibility and zeal for our homeland and our nation's future.

We urge you to vote according to your conscience, to prevent unrest and political disagreements, moreover, intolerance and hostility.

We urge the political parties and nominated candidates to show prudence, restraint and a spirit of mutual respect during the pre-electoral and electoral processes, to complete the parliamentary elections in a cordial manner, and guide our national life through patriotic godly ways. The Armenian Apostolic Holy Church welcomes all the honest patriotic initiatives and aspirations which are aimed at the welfare and progress of our people, and the peace, strengthening and security of the homeland.

We pray to God asking the Almighty's blessings and His Holy Right Hand to protect our Homeland and our people worldwide”.