Supreme Spiritual Council Concluded

From November 01 to 04, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; a Supreme Spiritual Council meeting was held in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
His Eminence Archbishop Sahak Mashalyan, Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople was the Chairman of the meeting. Chairing the meeting sessions was His Eminence Archbishop Khajak Parsamyan, Patriarchal Legate of Western Europe and representative of the Catholicos of All Armenians in Vatican.
At the meeting, discussions were held on the process of renovating and consecration of the Mother Cathedral, as well as the preparation of the ceremonies of the Blessing of the Holy Muron, about which His Grace Bishop Mushegh Babayan, Chairman of the Monastic Council and Grand Sacristan of the Mother; provided information.
The members of the Supreme Spiritual Council noted with satisfaction that the works of the Mother Cathedral's major repair and improvement of the perimeter are nearing the final stage. A committee was created for the reopening of the Mother Cathedral in 2023 and the organization of the ceremonies of the Blessing of the Holy Muron and related spiritual and cultural events.
The Supreme Spiritual Council reflected on the issues related to the difficult situation in Armenia and Artsakh as a result of the Azerbaijani aggression, the peaceful problems of Armenia and Artsakh, territorial integrity, sovereignty, the fair claim of Artsakh's right to self-determination, the mission of the Church in the current situation, as well as the process of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict were discussed.
As a result of the discussions, the Supreme Spiritual Council issued a statement.
Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan, Director of the Social Service Office of the Mother See, presented the programs implemented by the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin for the social needs of the soldiers who died as a result of the 44-day Artsakh war and the military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan on September 13, as well as the families displaced from the border areas, and wounded soldiers.
Father Markos informed the members of the SSC that the Mother See provided monetary support to the families of 195 soldiers who died during military operations. In the near future, monetary support will also be provided to the families of missing, captured military personnel and injured military personnel. A sum of 600,000 US dollars was allocated for the mentioned project in the first phase. Within the framework of the program, according to the lists presented by the diocesan primates, the families displaced from the border settlements were provided with food packages.
Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan, Director of the Christian Education Center of the Mother See, made a report on the programs aimed at strengthening the educational mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in the dioceses of Armenia and Artsakh. Fr. Zakaria presented the new draft of the strategic concept of propaganda-educational activities.
The SSC members, valuing the promotion of spiritual educational programs and the proper transfer of national-spiritual values to the young generation, made their directives regarding the project, instructing to refine and complete the concept through professional discussions.
The Supreme Spiritual Council also referred to the issue of the training of clergymen and the further revitalization of the activity of spiritual educational institutions. In this regard, a decision was made to establish a separate committee with the blessings of the Catholicos of All Armenians to carry out activities in the direction of promoting spiritual vocation among young people and ensuring spiritual education in line with the requirements of the time.
The Supreme Spiritual Council made discussions about the need to organize spiritual and cultural events within the framework of tabernacle feasts and days of remembrance of saints, in order to make them more popular and an occasion for nationwide consolidation.
Appropriate decisions were made in this direction as well.
During the meeting, canonical, pastoral, diocesan and administrative issues related to the life of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church were also discussed.