St. Nerses the Graceful Medal Awarded to Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian

St. Nerses the Graceful Medal Awarded to Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian 26.02.2017

An awards ceremony was held on February 26, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian, diplomat and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentary of United Arab Emirates and Qatar To the Republic of Armenia; was granted the St. Nerses the Graceful Medal of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church for his service to the Homeland and the Armenian people in great appreciation of his accomplishments.

The ceremony was opened with the Lord’s Prayer, following which Rev. Fr. Paruyr Avetisyan, Director of the Intr-Church Relations Department of the Chancellary of Mother See; welcomed the event participants.

Mr. Ashot Esayan reflected on the character, accomplishments and activities of Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian, following which under the singing of “Etchmiadzin I Hore” the Pontifical Encyclical and the medal were brought in.

His Grace Bishop Gevork Saroyan, Dean of the higher religious-educational institutions of the Mother See read the Encyclical which stated in part: “We are pleased to have an opportunity to reflect on your capable activities. For many years, serving in high state positions, you have made praiseworthy contribution to the vibrancy and prosperity of our country. During Soviet times, you undertook responsible duties in the Diaspora Liaison Committee and made consistent efforts to strengthening the Homeland-Diaspora ties. Following independence, you continued to offer your skills and rich experience with growing zeal, to the worthy cause of the strengthening and vibrancy of our Homeland. Your successes and achievements are the kind results of your God-loving and patriotic spirit and conscientious and ardent work.

I am pleased to corroborate that in knowing you, we have always felt your warm love and devotion toward our Holy Church and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin”.

Following the reading of the Pontifical Encyclical, the Catholicos of All Armenians granted the order of St. Nerses the Graceful to Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian.

During the Awards Ceremony, Ambassador Gharibjanian reflected on his feelings, speaking about the revival of spiritual life in recent decades. The Ambassador also gave his assurance that the Gharibjanian family would continue to serve the Armenian Church and Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

The ceremony was concluded with a blessing by His Holiness Karekin II. Speaking on Ambassador Gharibjanian’s love and devotion to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Catholicos of All Armenians ask that the Heavenly Lord grant him and his family a long and healthy life, and much success in his endeavors.