Second Palm Sunday and First Republic Day Commemorations in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Second Palm Sunday and First Republic Day Commemorations in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 28.05.2017

On May 28, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church celebrated the Second Palm Sunday, which this year coincided with the First Republic Day of Armenia.

Under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; a Divine Liturgy was offered in the Mother Cathedral. The Celebrant was Very Rev. Fr. Zakaria Baghumyan, Director of the Bishop’s Synod Office of Mother See.

In his sermon, Father Zakaria reflected on the establishment of the first Republic of Armenia, and the importance of statehood in the life of the Armenian people, stressing the significant role of the Armenian Church in the heroic battles of May.

“Having an independent state and statehood was an age-old dream of our fathers, for which they fought and applied persistent efforts. Thank God, we have the third Republic of Armenia today, which although facing numerous problems and challenges, it is still our sacred homeland and it needs more love and care.

We must not forget that Armenia is sanctified by the blood of our martyrs and strengthened with its brave sons. We do not have another homeland, and instead of attending to foreign countries, we must all merge into our Homeland. Our mental strength, talent and different skills should serve for the strengthening and prosperity of our Homeland. The strength of our homeland depends on each of us, our tireless and zealous activities, and the unconditional love and devotion for the Homeland… Therefore, today more than ever we need vigilance and unity, as Sardarapat is not limited by time or days. It is an ongoing battle, a spirit of struggle and existence, because as a nation, we are fated to victoriously come out in all visible and invisible wars”, stated Fr. Zakaria.

At the conclusion of his sermon, the Celebrant urged the faithful to be consolidated and united, permanently praying for the strength, prosperity and peaceful life of the homeland.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness knelt at the main Altar and offered a Blessing of the Republic Prayer, during which the clergy and faithful prayed for the strengthening, development and prosperity of the Republic of Armenia.