"Saint Nerses the Graceful" Medal Awarded to Bishop Daron Jerejian

"Saint Nerses the Graceful" Medal Awarded to Bishop Daron Jerejian 12.08.2003

On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Ordination of His Grace Bishop Daron Jerejian, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, decorated him with the Medal of "Saint Nerses the Graceful". On August 5, during a reception held in the Pontifical Residence on the grounds of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, His Grace Bishop Navasard Ktchoyan, Vicar of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese, read the Pontifical Encyclical of His Holiness, wherein it was noted that Bishop Daron, the Vicar of Marseilles, France, was receiving the high award in appreciation for his noble and dedicated service to the Church. 

The Encyclical states, in part: "Forty years have passed since you, having undertaken the mission of the kind and brave pastor of our Church, are serving our people living in the Diaspora. In all places where you have served, be it in the Armenian Dioceses of Damascus, Greece, or France, you have used your abilities to sow the seeds of the 'Word of God' in the souls of the Armenians, always pursuing the goal to strengthen the faith of the flock under your spiritual care, and inspire love towards the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Armenian Church and the Homeland. 

"Due to your encouragement and initiative as the Pontifical Legate of Southern France, many Churches were built, numerous educational institutions have been founded, and Church-directed and patriotic projects have been brought to fruition. The goal of all of these accomplishments has been the strengthening of Armenian communities and a renewal and reawakening of the spiritual life of the Armenians." 

Following the reading of the Encyclical, His Holiness decorated Bishop Daron with the medal, and praised his love of God, and devotion to the Church. Diocesan Primates, Members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, and family members of His Grace Bishop Daron attended the ceremony.