Requiem Service Offered in Holy Etchmiadzin for Heroes of the April 2016 War in Artsakh

Requiem Service Offered in Holy Etchmiadzin for Heroes of the April 2016 War in Artsakh 02.04.2017

On April 2, the Sunday of Advent, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; presided over a requiem service offered for the brave heroes of the 2016 April War in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh). The service was offered in the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Led by the Armenian Pontiff, the clergy and faithful prayed for the souls of those killed during the military operations, to rest in peace.

Before the Requiem Service, His Eminence Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan, Director of the External Relations and Protocol Deparment of the Mother See, read the remarks of His Holiness Karekin II on the occasion of the 1 year anniversary.


Dear Ones,

Today we are united to raise our prayers to Almighty God asking for the souls of our brave soldiers to rest in peace; who died heroically during the April war, giving their lives for the defense of the homeland and our people.

We welcome in this sacred Cathedral of the Mother See, the presence of the Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, who came to take part in the Requiem Service through his prayers.

A year ago, our brave soldiers, shedding their own blood, stopped the military operations threatening the right of a free life of our people of Artsakh. They pushed back the treacherous enemy, testifying for the sake of the independence of our country - our nation's zeal, strength and energy, and undefeatable spirit.

It’s the Sunday of Advent, which reminds us of our Lord's coming and bestowing his faithful followers with the grace of everlasting life. Our fallen heroes moved to the harbor of afterlife, to enter eternity and inherit everlasting bliss, by displaying the greatest virtue of self-sacrifice, and committing the feat of becoming “like Christ”. The words of the Apostle offers this consolation: “For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:9–10 )”.

The fighting efficiency of the Armenian Army, and our soldiers’ deeds, gave birth to new and commendable examples that were added to the heroic deeds and actions of our glorious ancestors, which are recorded throughout the pages of our history. Our fallen sons sacrificed their lives for the nation, the homeland and all of us, so that through their determination and zeal, we are able to maintain our peace and dignity, and be unified. And build a strong and secure, advanced and invincible Armenia. Remembering their eternal  memory and sacrifice, we must put efforts into the building of a new life for our homeland. Facing numerous trials, our people with unity and love for the Homeland, motivated with commitment and sacrifice, became a strong arm and destroyed the advancements of the enemy, triumphed over evil, repelled destruction and loss, and created a resurrected life. And today, with that same spirit, our people are able to further the patriotic deeds, and prosper in their homeland, which will be a fitting tribute to the bright memory of the sons who gave their life for the homeland and people.

Dearly beloved, we raise a joint prayer to Almighty God, to preserve peace in our homeland, and asking that there will be no need to pay the high price of life, for the protection of the right to live a free and independent life. May the Lord keep and protect our country and Artsakh and our people worldwide under the auspices of His Holy Right Hand, guard our soldiers and always grant strength and victory.