Remarks of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians on the occasion of the Parliamentary elections of the republic of Armenia

Remarks of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians on the occasion of the Parliamentary elections of the republic of Armenia 10.12.2018

On December 9, snap parliamentary elections were held in our Homeland, becoming an important milestone in the recent internal political developments in Armenia.

We convey our blessings to our beloved people and the parties, who participated in the Parliamentary elections with the sense of responsibility towards the future. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to the "My Step" alliance; “Prosperous Armenia” and “Bright Armenia” parties, which deserved the trust of our people, bearing responsibility for the future of our country. We pray that the Almighty Lord grant successes to the newly elected Parliament activities, for the sake of strengthening our Homeland and building a better future.

Our Apostolic Church will, as usual, will make every effort to strengthen our statehood, strengthen national solidarity and overcome internal and external challenges.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ's grace, love and mercy be with us and all for now and forevermore. Amen.