Presentation of Seminary Website and Release of New DVD by the Etchmiadzin Choir

Presentation of Seminary Website and Release of New DVD by the Etchmiadzin Choir 15.05.2017

On May 15, with the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; the Gevorkian Seminary announced the launch of their official webite -, and the release of the newly recorded DVD "Sunrise". The website was created through the support of the World Council of Churches Armenia Round Table Charitable Foundation.

The event began with the opening remarks by Rev. Fr. Karekin Hambardzumyan, Dean of the Gevorkian Theological Semianry.

Rev. Fr. Geghard Hovhannisyan, Gevorkian Seminary Superintendent; read the letter of blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians, issued on the occasion of the establishment of the Seminary's website. “We are pleased to note that today modern technological achievements are used in the activities of our Holy Church, to prosper the spread of the spiritual mission in the life of the Christ-loving people. The Gevorkian Theological Seminary website is another praiseworthy accomplishment in this direction, which is also an opportunity for the lecturers and students to present the results of their creative work to a wider audience.  We extend our appreciation to all those who have made efforts to create the website, and through prayers ask the for support of the Almighty. With the blessings of God may the activities of the website be fruitful through numerous church-building achievements, for the brightness of our Apostolic Holy Church and welfare of our faithful people”, is stated in the blessing remarks of His Holiness.

Dn. Arthur Vardanyan, Choir Director, gave a detailed presentation about the establishment and activities of the Etchmiadzin Choir and the release of the Sunrise DVD.

During the event, the students and members of the Etchmiadzin Choir performed spiritual and national songs.

The ceremony was attended Seminary students, lecturers, members of the Brotherhood of the Mother See, and guests.

The presentation was closed with the Protector prayers by Father Karekin.