Presentation of "Encyclopedia of Christian Armenia" in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Presentation of "Encyclopedia of Christian Armenia" in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 13.04.2002

On Friday, April 12, the newly published "Encyclopedia of Christian Armenia" was unveiled with a presentation in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians presided during the program.

This unprecedented publication is a compilation of nearly ten years of labor and effort. The project was envisioned by the venerable His Holiness Vazken I, and the senior editor of the ?Armenian Encyclopedia?, Constantine Khoudaverdian, both of blessed memory. The publication was made possible through the direct participation and involvement of His Holiness Karekin II, and is dedicated to the 1,700th Anniversary of Official Armenian Christendom. The benefactors of the publication are Mr. and Mrs. Jirayr and Hasmig Kaprielian of Lebanon, and the UNESCO office in Armenia.

The large volume of work contains in excess of 1000 entries, including items on the history, hierarchy, creed, rituals and feasts of the Armenian Church. In addition, there are entries about Sister Christian Churches, as well as cultural and religious records related to Armenian Church history.

In his remarks, His Holiness directed his words of blessing and appreciation to all those who have participated in the preparation of this valuable publication. Remarks of congratulations and thanks were given by His Eminence Archbishop Shahe Ajemian, and the Senior Editor of the Encyclopedia, Hovhannes Aivazyan.