Prayer for Healing and Protection was Offered in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Prayer for Healing and Protection was Offered in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 20.03.2020

Several days ago, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; announced March 18 as the Day of “Prayer for the Nation” for overcoming the Coronavirus pandemic and healing the patients.

On the evening of March 18, , in St. Gayane Monastery, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians; a Rest Service was offered, following which, the Armenian Patriarch offered His special prayer to God, also conveying His message to the Armenian people on this occasion.




Dear Faithful,

Today, from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, we pray to God, asking His assistance and help for the world and our nation to face this pandemic.

Today, from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin we are praying to God asking for the Lord's support and assistance in withstanding the pandemic that has afflicted the world and our people.

In these difficult days, we are witness with concern, how the normal life has been troubled in different countries around the world, including Armenia, because of the Coronavirus pandemic: people have isolated, educational and many other institutions have stopped working. People are afraid of the pandemic to reach them or their families, relatives and friends. Being compassionate to all people affected by the infection, dear faithful, in these turbulating times, let us reflect on the greatest gift given to mankind by God -the wonderful sacrament of love. You all know very well, that God sent His only Begotten Son into the world: towards the man from His love. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that infinite love suffered and was crucified for us: through His glorious Resurrection granted mankind with the graces of salvation, hope, faith and love, so that we, trusting in the Savior, may also be able to overcome the difficulties and tribulations of life. Indeed, where there is love, hope and faith, there is no fear and doubt, no scare and despair, for  we trust in God. The Lord is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid (Psalms 26:1).

Our beloved sons, being in recovery, self-isolated, you are not alone. At this moment, all of our people: lay and clergy, young and old, each faithful offers his spatial prayer to Heaven for the urgent recovery of the patients, for the endurance and courage of the isolated, and for the protection of our lives under the merciful auspices of God. On this day of National Prayer we have no doubt that the merciful Lord hears our voice. Separately at this moment, everyone is praying at his place of residence, at his place of service, and it is the sweet voice of the prayer that makes us united as one nation, as the people of God.

Our Beloved Sons, keep your hope strong, your bright faith unshaken, strengthen your spirit of prayer and repentance, as well as, the love and care towards one another, so that God help us to overcome this hardship. Remember, that indifference and neglect can cause greater harm in life, and it is impossible to overcome any danger without care and support towards each other.

At this moment, on behalf of all our sons, we extend Our heartfelt exhortation to our Heavenly Lord, saying: “Kind and generous God, accept our worship and listen to our prayers, as trusting in You, we are looking forward to Your abundant and endless mercy. Listening to our prayers, please, heal to all patients, as well as, those who are being recovered from the infection. Keep away the fear and anxiety of those who are in the process of recovery and isolation. Keep and protect their families and friends, and grant all their loved ones with peace.

With Your generous will, bless and give strength to our doctors providing their devoted service day and night, who make selfless efforts in their service of healing the patients.

Save and protect our nation and the whole world, assist and give Your divine wisdom to our native authorities and all the world leaders, so that all the initiatives against the pandemic will succeed, and we will be able to overcome this hardship through your generous graces and mercy.

Now, merciful and humane God, forgive our sins and release us from diseases, so that with gratitude, we all may glorify and worship our Most Holy Trinity, always and forever. Amen”.