Position of the Subgroup of the Working Group on the Issues of the Relations Between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on Educational Issues on the Draft of the State Public Educational Standards

Position of the Subgroup of the Working Group on the Issues of the Relations Between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on Educational Issues on the Draft of the State Public Educational Standards 05.08.2020

On August 05, a press conference was held, during which, His Eminence Archbishop Mikael Ajapahian, Chairman of Subgroup of the Working Group on the Issues of the Relations Between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on Educational Issues on the Draft of the State Public Educational Standards; and Very Rev. Fr. Senior Archimandrite Zakharia Baghumyan, Head of the Christian Education Center of the Mother See, presented the position of the Subgroup on Educational Issues of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin on the draft of the State Public Educational Standards and the subject of the “History of the Armenian Church”.

Below are the two documents.

Position of the Subgroup of the Working Group on the Issues of the Relations Between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on Educational Issues on the Draft of the State Public Educational Standards

On July 10, the Subgroup of the Working Group on the Issues of the Relations Between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on Educational Issues on the Draft of the State Public Educational Standards

(hereinafter – Subgroup), expressed  its position on the draft of the Public Educational Standards to the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports. Within the framework of this statement, the Subgroup expressed its concerns about the ongoing process and  noted, that contrary to the  agreements reached, they have not been invited to the development process of the standards, and, at the same time, urged to revise the draft thoroughly.

In fact, ignoring the concerns expressed by the Subgroup, as well as, various circles of the public, including professionals, related to the document,the state educational authority, without solving the existing significant conflicts, with an uncomprehensible urgency, has published the drafts of the State subject standards of Public Education.

The Subgroup, continuing the discussions and consultations on the standards with reputable professionals and experts in the field of education and science, stated in part on the process:

1. The State subject standards of the Public Education developed on the controversial draft of the State Public Educational Standards, cannot contribute to the improvement of the national education and upbringing in the Republic of Armenia.

The class hours of the Armenological subjects are reduced in the subject standards, as well as, there are content distortions, mistakes and historical-chronological inaccuracies, about which many references have already been made. Despite a lot of verifications and assertions, the major part of the subject of the “History of the Armenian Church” has also been excluded from the educational program through dissolution.

 2. Highlighting non-primary importance of the Armenological subjects within the framework of the state policy being adopted in the sphere of RAeducation cannot have negative impact on the lives of the Armenians in the Diaspora.  The initiatives and programs being implemented in the Diaspora aimed at the preservation of the Armenian Identity are fed by the ideology of the national education operating in the Fatherland.

 3. With the participation of narrow professional circles, without ensuring the transparency of the activities, the development process of the standards raises legitimate concerns among the public, which cannot stay without any response for the sake of the effectiveness of the educational reforms.

According to the above-mentioned records and considering the concerns expressed on the process, we urge the state educational authority to suspend the discussions on the published drafts of the subject standards and undertake the work of the radical change of the State Public Educational Standards with the involvement of more public circles, first of all, professionals.