Pontifical Visit of the Catholicos of All Armenians to Australia

Pontifical Visit of the Catholicos of All Armenians to Australia 02.02.2019

On February 1, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; arrived on a Pontifical visit to the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

The Catholicos of All Armenians was welcomed at the airport in Sydney, Australia by Diocesan Primate His Grace Bishop Haikazoon Najaryan, clergy of the Diocese; diocesan and parish as well as about twenty representatives of Armenian organizations.

On Fevruary 2, the "Hrashapar" service was held in the Holy Resurrection Church in Sydney. In front of the Church, His Holiness was welcomed by the clergy, members of diocesan and parish councils, choirs, schoolchildren and scouts with processional banners, flags and welcome posters.

Following the Salt and Bread service, under the singing of the hymns, His Holiness Karekin II solemnly entered the Church where more than 400 faithful were waiting for the blessed visit of the Armenian Pontiff. Blessing the pious Armenians, His Holiness ascended to the Holy Altar, where the Church Worship Service was held.

Following the service, His Grace Bishop Haikazoon Najaryan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand welcomed the Catholicos of All Armenians and invited to convey his Pontifical blessings to the attending faithful.

By choosing an epigraph for his message the Apostolic exhortation “Just as you have accepted Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk with Him, rooted and built on Him, remaining firmly in the faith”, the Armenian Pontiff welcomed the Church-loving and patriotic Armenians living in Australia, expressing gratitude to the Almighty God that years later, the Lord has again given a grace to visit Australia and bring the blessings and light of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to them.

“Throughout the ages, our people have faced challenges and trials, and as a result of the Genocide spread all over the world, but in every place, according to the Apostle's order, have remained loyal to God, endured hardships and through praiseworthy deeds raised his life. As in the Armenian communities throughout the world, here in Australia also, the history of the Armenian community has become an overcoming of trials, creation of new successes, a glorious testimony to the Motherland, our Holy Church and our spiritual center,  the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

You have united here from different Armenian communities of the world, bringing and preserving your traditions, with their beautiful diversity you have enriched and improved the community of Sydney. From the middle of the last century, the confirmation of the parish, the establishment of the Holy Resurrection Church and the consolidation around it has intensified the national and spiritual-ecclesiastical life of the Armenian community of Sydney. The opening of Armenian-language schools, establishment of youth unions, Elderly Care Organization; all national, charitable and cultural institutions that have been established and operated through your efforts.

Today, with the same zealous spirit, you strengthen your national-ecclesiastical life, keep your church, national and cultural institutions prosperous. The good results of your efforts fill the souls of each member of the community, as well as my-the Pontiff's heart”, stated His Holiness Karekin II.

The Catholicos of All Armenians stressed that the activity of the diocesan and parish life are blessed fruits of God of the divine and patriotism of the Australian-Armenians. With appreciation His Holiness referred to the constantly displayed love and support of the Armenian community towards the Homeland, confirming that the powerful Diaspora is also a force and power for the Homeland, the guarantor of the survival and brightness of the Diaspora.

The Armenian Pontiff encouraged the Armenians to move on in Christ, with the traditions of our fathers and warm love of the Homeland. “Dear beloved ones, it is in your spiritual unity that you and your children’s godly and patriotic spirit will remain awake, for it is through your unity that your fathers confronted all the trials and overcome all the difficulties”, added His Holiness noting that being far from the homeland, there are many challenges in their lives, difficulties especially in educating the new generation in national spirit and keeping them involved in the church life. His Holiness confirmed that there is no doubt that, despite all the existing problems, the Armenians should continue to maintain our spiritual and national values with special courage and keep their pious life firm and unbreakable.

Conveying his appreciation to everyone for their dedicated service and caring efforts in national-community and church life, the Catholicos of All Armenians asked the Almighty Lord to keep Australia and his pious people in welfare and with His graces bless all our people to create a peaceful and bright future and always glorify the Heavenly God with faith.

At the conclusion, the Armenians had the opportunity to approach His Holiness and kiss his Holy Right Hand and receive crosses.

Then, at the hall of the Church, a meeting was held with the people.