Ordination of Priests in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

pacy. Archbishop Sepouh consecrated the new priests with Holy Chrism (Muron) and gave them new names:
Deacon Arman Aharonyan (Diocese of Aragatsotn) was renamed Fr. Mkhitar; Deacon Gevork Keshishyan (Army Chaplaincy of the RA Armed Forces) was renamed Fr. Njdeh; Deacon Sahak Simonyan (Army Chaplaincy of the RA Armed Forces) was renamed Fr. Kirakos; Deacon Hovhannes Manookian (Christian Education Center of the Mother See) was renamed Fr. Hrant; Deacon Melkon Baresghian (Department of Higher Spiritual and Educational Institutions of the Mother See) was renamed Fr. Kerovbe; Deacon Erik Patvakanyan (Army Chaplaincy of the RA Armed Forces) was renamed Fr. Serovbe.
At the end of the ordination ceremony, the newly ordained priests conveyed their first blessings to the faithful, following which Archbishop Sepouh addressed his sermon on the ordination, stating in part: “Today, at the Holy Altar of Descent of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, is a historic day of commemoration as six faithful Armenian sons, graduating their Seminary study pledged themselves to the Armenian Apostolic Holy and Immortal Church”.
Expressing his gratitude to the Catholicos of All Armenians for the opportunity to serve as the ordinate, Archbishop Sepouh reflected on the wonderment of the day: “Patriarchs, bishops, monks, priests, and deacons were consecrated in this sacred cathedral, and kings, princes, philanthropists, and the entire Armenian people have been blessed here. The blessings of Holy Etchmiadzin have been unceasing and have always been spread across the Armenians, both in Armenia and the Diaspora.
And that is how the history of the Armenian Apostolic Church was formed. And this day is just a moment in that vast history, when a sacred ceremony was held, where these six priests covenanted in front of the Holy Altar of Descent to offer their mission to our people. Happy are those people that have such a powerful Church and such a powerful faith and people”.
The Celebrant also spoke about a Priest’s character, urging the clergymen to be law-abiding, truthful and just, principled, peace-loving and patient, forgiving and tolerant, humble and rigorous, courageous, merciful and brotherly.
“Do as our fathers taught in the past, now and in the future. As long as God's blessing are constantly shed on our nation, we are obliged to keep the flock and shepherd and church and people relations pure, to keep in love, to be disciplined and obedient towards the Pontiff, primates and pastors. In this way, with strength in our unity, we can withstand all the trials that are periodically facing our society.
… Therefore our shepherds become dear and trustworthy, followed by the people, who will be followed by our people, we can even say that people will blindly follow them when there is mutual trust in one another. And glory to God, the Almighty Lord, that over the centuries the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church led by her Pontiff, leaders, and her priests, together with her people have built up this faith and confidence with love and devotion, as a result of which we exist today and as a result of which we have progress today”, stated the Primate of the Diocese of Gougark.
Reflecting on the revival and church-building of the Armenian Apostolic Church during the years of Armenia's independence, Archbishop Sepouh on behalf of everyone once again expressed gratitude to His Holiness, that spiritual pastors are regularly sent to the Dioceses from the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, who carry out their mission in various communities. The Celebrant also expressed gratitude to the Seminary administration, Grand Sacristan Department of the Mother See and the Brotherhood, under whose care and attention the Armenian clergy are created, with the consciousness that Church service is not a service of pleasure, but a service of suffering, hardship and all kinds of difficulties, in which all those who have faith and vision become stronger, who unconditionally and unbreakably devote themselves to the Holy Church and people.
During the Kiss of Peace, the members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin ascended the Holy Altar and congratulated the new priests of the Armenian Church.
Following their ordination, the new priests will follow the traditional 40-day seclusion period of fasting after which they will be appointed to serve in different Dioceses of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church and in different departments of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.