Opening Ceremonies for Newly Renovated Gevorkian Theological Seminary in Holy Etchmiadzin

The evening of August 5 inaugurated a memorable and historical event in the life of the Armenian Church. Under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the newly renovated Gevorkian Theological Seminary building in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin was re-opened. Present for the opening ceremonies were hundreds of clergy and faithful, including more than 30 family members of national benefactors Kevork and Sirvart Hovnanian. Mr. and Mrs. Hovnanian, from the United States, were the sponsors of the year-long construction and renovation work on the historic building. 

The Catholicos of All Armenians accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hovnanian cut the ribbon at the entry of the famous building and led the procession of guests and dignitaries to the large hall of the seminary, where a home blessing service was offered, with readings from the Holy Bible and prayers asking for God?s protection for the seminarians, instructors and administrators. 

Following the service, as the program began, Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Archpriest Sargisian, dean of the seminary, welcomed the guests and spoke about the 130 year glorious history of the seminary founded by Catholicos of All Armenians Gevork IV in 1874, (after whom the theological school was named), and the important role that it has played in the life of the Armenian nation and people. The dean also presented a short synopsis on the present status of the university, and the many plans and projects currently underway, all aimed at preparing a new generation of Armenian Church clergymen for throughout the world. The Theological Seminary of Holy Etchmiadzin has more than 300 young men enrolled in four campuses throughout Armenia. 

His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), spoke eloquently of the unique and exceptional role the Gevorkian Theological Seminary plays in the preparation of young clergymen, noting that it has an irreplaceable duty in guaranteeing the future of the Armenian Church. His Eminence also noted that in addition to this princely gift for the worldwide Armenian Church and the Mother See, the Hovnanian Family has also exhibited great generosity towards projects supporting the Eastern Diocese in the United States, as well as the independent Republic of Armenia. 

President of the National Academy of Sciences Mr. Fadey Sargisian noted the rich legacy of individuals, both priests and laymen, who received their higher education in the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, among them being Komitas Vardapet Soghomonian, Hrachia Ajarian, Makar Yekmalian, Aksel Bakounts, and Levon Shant. 

National benefactor Kevork Hovnanian next addressed the assembled guests, and spoke tenderly from the heart, noting in part, "Your Holiness, I see that a new Golden Age has begun for the Armenian Church. I pray that the new generation of priests will follow Your Holiness' example, greater strengthening Holy Etchmiadzin and our Mother Church, because it is only the Armenian Church, who through her 1700 year rich experience has succeeded in keeping us Armenian, in keeping us Christian, and has warmed our hearts, always keeping alive in our minds and souls the love for the homeland and our Church." 

At the conclusion of the program, His Holiness Karekin II gave his message of blessing and appreciation to the benefactors and guests. The Pontiff of All Armenians spoke of the vital mission which is reserved for the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, in the past as well as the present and the future. His Holiness highly appreciated the devotion of the benefactors, Mr. and Mrs. Kevork and Sirvart Hovnanian, and noted his joy at the presence of many members of their family, including Mr. and Mrs. Hrair Hovnanian, Mr. and Mrs. Vahakn Hovnanian, and children and grandchildren numbering more than 30, who had all traveled to Armenia, many for the first time, to be present for the opening ceremonies of the school. His Holiness further noted the unselfish example set by the entire Hovnanian family in their dedication to the Armenian Church, her worldwide spiritual and administrative headquarters - the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Armenian diaspora and the state of the Republic of Armenia. 

In his message, the Catholicos of All Armenians stated, "Our happiness today is transformed into prayer in our souls for the memory of our blessed predecessors, the Supreme Pontiffs of our Church, whose vision and dream it had been to pass through the re-opened doors of this historic building and institution. They had dreamed to see our Church strengthened and vibrant, and today we mark one more great step in that progress. As our forebears lived and kept their identity through our Mother Church, regardless of where or when they lived, they likewise taught and raised their children in our unique Armenian Christian spirit - resolute, strengthened and supported by this institution." 

Also present for the opening ceremonies were visiting primates from Armenian dioceses in Europe and the United States, high ranking clergymen and members of the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin, visiting priests from the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, representatives of sister Christian Churches, members of the Supreme Spiritual Council, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia Gagik Haroutiunian, RA Minister of Culture and Youth Affairs Hovik Hoveyan, Yerevan State University President Dr. Radik Martirosian, and many other guests from the spheres of science, education, culture and the arts. The musical program for the evening was provided by the Choir of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary under the direction of Maestro Ruben Sharbatian. 

The program concluded with a banquet held in the refectory of the Mother See in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kevork Hovnanian.