New Year's Message of His Holiness Karekin II

Dear Faithful in the Homeland and the Diaspora,
On this festive day of New Year, we extend Our Pontifical love and blessings to you, dear faithful people of Armenia and the Diaspora. At this moment our hearts are full of expectations, prayers to God, and God’s graces. Our wish is that our achievements and joys be multiplied this year, we overcome all concerns, our Homeland be strengthened, our families be strong, and our people worldwide live safe and protected. With such devoted feelings we step into a New Year, also reflecting on the passing year.
In 2017 our people made every effort to overcome their problems, in order to secure prosperity and progress for our country. Employees, intellectuals, businessman, statesman, and everyone in their own field; made every effort to contribute to the progress of our people. The borders of our Homeland were courageously protected by the brave soldiers of our Army, the guarantee of our people’s peaceful and creative life. Our spiritual church life also benefited from the good service of the clergyman, the faithful progress of our nation’s children and church-devoted undertakings. With the Lord’s mercy, our difficulties did not overpower us, and we were more hopeful with achievements. Love towards our country, nation, and children, and our desire and vision to create a bright future, granted our people the strength and zeal to act.
In 2018 we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia and the Heroic Battles of May. During this last century, our people have passed a great way to the incensement of national life. Those decades, with many difficulties, have been years of state-building, patriotism, development in the areas of science, education, and our culture, organization of a national life in the Diaspora and worldwide, and progress and revival.
Dear faithful, let us welcome the year 2018, by stressing the importance of our people’s achievements, let us also welcome the new year with zeal; to make more and more efforts for the sake of the development and strengthening of our Homeland and fulfillment of our national aspirations. As a faithful nation of Christ and as a nation with a state, let us with responsibility, love for each other, and seeking God’s blessings for our deeds; continue serving for the progress of our state, national, and spiritual life. At this New Year’s Eve, the Apostle’s commandment is sounded anew: “Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time.” (Colossians 4:5). Let us value the time of our life through implementing the dreams of our spirit, for the glory of our Homeland and happiness of our people.
Dear beloved let us share the joy of New Year with each other, and be strengthened with hope and optimism. Let’s help the poor, lonely, and vulnerable people. Let's help and support the Armenian army. Let our army be strong, and our people firm with faith. We pray for peace in the world. We wish peace and prosperity to our country, new achievements to our national authorities and our people of Armenia, Artsakh, and the Diaspora. May the abundant grace of our Savior shed joy, happiness, and a myriad of benefits in your life. We wish you a good and blessed year.
Happy New Year!