National Assembly for Wales Issues Statement of Opinion on the Armenian Genocide

National Assembly for Wales Issues Statement of Opinion on the Armenian Genocide 01.11.2002

Presented below please find the Press Release from the Armenian Church Diocese of Great Britain regarding the Statement of Opinion issued by the National Assembly for Wales on October 30, 2002. His Grace Bishop Nathan Hovhanissian, Primate of the Armenian Church of Great Britain, was present at the event and represented His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians:

PRESS RELEASE - 31 October 2002


On Wednesday, 30 October 2002, Assembly Members from different political parties, as well as Welsh and Armenian organisations or individuals, met at the National Assembly of Wales in Cardiff to mark the majority signature by Assembly Members in Wales of the Statement of Opinion (2000-0029) that calls upon Turkey to recognise the Armenian Genocide. The National Assembly of Wales is the first legislative body in the United Kingdom to express its majority opinion on the Armenian Genocide. Dr Richard Edwards (Labour), Mr Cynog Dafis (Plaid Cymru) and Ms Kirsty Williams (Liberal Democrat) are the three Welsh Assembly Members who co-sponsored this event.

The proceedings, hosted by Mr Stephen Thomas, Director of the Wales Centre for International Affairs, kicked off with a short introduction by Ms Jenny Randerson AM, Welsh Minister of Culture, who re-affirmed the centrality of the Armenian Genocide as one of the sad chapters in the annals of contemporary history. She urged Assembly Members to follow on this event with further action that would enhance the official recognition of the Armenian Genocide throughout the whole United Kingdom. Dr Richard Edwards and Mr Cynog Dafis both stressed the importance of recognising the Armenian Genocide and suggested the setting up of a Cross Party Committee on Armenia that would look into further strengthening relations between the Welsh and Armenian peoples.

Dr Vahram Abadjian, Armenian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, suggested the possibility of considering the future twinning of Welsh and Armenian cities. He also suggested the appointment of Armenian Honorary Consuls in Wales as a sign of the burgeoning relations between the two peoples. Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian read an excerpt from a letter sent to the Assembly Members in Wales by His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II in which the Armenian Church leader wrote, ?Genocide is not a crime against one nation, but rather a crime against all people. The offence of genocide is one against man and against God, in view of the fact that God?s primary grace is the gift of life?. Bishop Nathan Hovhannissian also instituted a once-yearly Armenian Divine Liturgy as from 2003 that will be celebrated in different Churches in Wales.

Dr Rostom Stepanian, Chair of Campaign for the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide, recalled the valuable contribution made by different Welsh Assembly Members from different parties toward the Armenian Genocide. He expressed the appreciation of the whole Armenian community in the United Kingdom to the Statement of Opinion that has led - and even pointed - the moral way toward boosting the campaign for the recognition of this genocide. He commended the Welsh Assembly for articulating its opinion on ?a matter of profound moral significance for the whole United Kingdom. It has remembered the massacres perpetrated against Armenians and has insisted that history should not deny them the acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide?. He concluded by adding, ?? the truth will eventually prevail so that the world community will no longer shy away from recognition of an event that has rent the moral fabric of humanity during the First World War as much as touched almost every Armenian family - man, woman and child - across the whole world?.

The event was concluded when Mr Eilian Williams, Wales-Armenia Solidarity, reminded those attending the event that concrete steps should now follow - both in practical as much as symbolic terms - to ensure that the momentum generated in Wales will continue both in Wales and the whole United Kingdom.