Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Hosted Graduates of Military Educational Institutions

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Hosted Graduates of Military Educational Institutions 24.08.2017

On August 24, the graduates of the 2016-2017 academic year of the Military and educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia and abroad, visited the Mother See to receive the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

Prior to the service, the Pontiff of All Armenians received the RA Defense Minister Mr. Vigen Sargsyan. He was accompanied by His Grace Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, Spiritual Primate of the RA Armed Forces.

The Minister of Defense presented to His Holiness all the graduation events held during the 2016-2017 academic year of the military educational institutions, of which they place great importance on the visit of the future officers to the Mother See. The Minister also informed His Holiness about the educational and social programs for the benefit of army-building.

Welcoming the new initiatives, His Holiness Karekin II underscored that today the Armenian soldier and officer must be at the center of the nation's attention.

At the conclusion of the meeting, His Holiness and the Defense Minister, accompanied by a clergy procession, were led to the Mother Cathedral where a blessing service of the graduates of 2016-2017 academic year of the Military and educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia and abroad was offered.

Following the Lord’s Prayer, His Holiness Karekin II, conveyed his Pontifical message to the attending soldiers (see below).

At the conclusion of the ceremony, a reception was held in the Events Auditorium of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary, following which the military students visited the museums of the Mother See, and learned about the sanctities of the Armenian Church and the sacred spiritual-cultural heritage.


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
(Philippians 4:13)

Dear Minister,
Honorable Soldiers,
Dear faithful,

We are pleased that through the Lord's will and under the guidance of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, we have the opportunity to convey our congratulations and blessings in the Armenian spiritual center, to the combined students of military institutions, who completing their training phase, will be called to service in the Armenian army.

We give praise and glory to God that this year our military educational institutions gave us another abundant harvest. In this symbolic year of the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Army, after diligent and hard study, you will complete the staff of officers of the Armenian Army, and are called to this responsible service. The service path of the Armenian soldier and officer is full of difficulties and challenges. On the pages of our history the Armenian Army was not only a symbol of weapons and military art, military skill and strength but also a combination of spirit and virtue, cherished Christian values, and heroism.

On this honored day, under the sacred arches of the Mother Cathedral, we convey our Pontifical message through the Apostle’s words: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Indeed, the soldier, whose soul is firmed with unyielding determination to overcome any difficulty, challenges or obstacle, is capable of achieving everything, even the impossible. You are all descendants and heirs of the glorious Armenian generals and soldiers. They have never confused fear and doubts with their bright faith. Against hunger, persecution, enemy attacks and rebels, they repeated: “God is our strength and power” (Psalm 135:1).

Beloved ones, the one strengthening you is our Lord Jesus Christ, and your helper - revived and triumphant, is the Lord's faithful flock, our people. You will all be able to do everything if you have unshakable trust in  the Lord and love toward our people, which will be your assistant and supporter in your military service and through difficulties. Soon all of you will be called to military service, taking on a great responsibility before our country and people. The Homeland's security, which is sacred and cherished through its millennium past, triumphant present and bright future, will depend upon your every decision and action, and which we must create with our commitments. We wish you a safe and secure service, for the sake of the strengthening of our country and the prosperity of our people. We wish you an awakening mind and soul, so that you bring more power to the Armenian army through your zealous service, and bring security to our borders. Be mighty with Jesus Christ, pray for the peace in the homeland and live with the unbending determination to protect the freedom of your faith and your homeland. May the Almighty Right Hand and  Power of the Lord be a shelter for all of you in the glorious army, in your future service. Be aware, the infinite source of all our victories and achievements in the national life is the soul invincibility of our people, which strengthened by God, was able to overcome all the trials of our history, to survive the genocide; create a world-class spiritual and cultural heritage, and surrounded by hostile countries, to preserve the national identity indefinitely. And to build and strengthen the homeland.

With a contented heart, we convey our Pontifical blessings and best wishes to the military administration of the Republic of Armenia, headed by the President of the Republic of Armenia, Mr Serzh Sargsyan and Mr. Vigen Sargsyan, Defense Minister of the Republic of Armenia. It is greatly appreciated that our state is investing every effort and ability in replenishing the Armenian Army with knowledge and officers with high moral and spiritual values.

May Almighty God Keep our homeland in peace, and the victorious Armenian army powerful and immovable. And may the Holy Right Hand of our Lord always be a shepherd and guardian to our soldiers and officers, and grant new successes to the homeland defenders in their dedicated mission now and forever.