Message of Supreme Spiritual Council and Bishop's Synod on the Occasion of the Recent Events

Message of Supreme Spiritual Council and Bishop's Synod on the Occasion of the Recent Events 22.04.2018

The recent developments in our country have created a dangerous and alarming situation in the national life.

In the current situation, we must be guided by sober judgment, free from extreme emotionalism and unjustified maximalist claims.

We urge law enforcement and the demonstrators to act exclusively within the limits of legality, to show strict restraint on both sides, exclude possible provocations and to refrain from actions leading to clashes and conflicts. Steps and actions that are disrupting the national unity are unacceptable and unforgivable, and sows disruption, hatred and enmity.

Today, the unprecedented initiative that aroused hopes for dialogue was unfortunately stopped. We believe that all opportunities to overcome the situation through peaceful means have not been exhausted yet. We expect that all the political and civil forces concerned with the future of the Homeland through their consistent and serious activities will intercede in the developments and try to solve the problems through negotiations and mutual understanding.

We ask the Almighty God to keep our Homeland steadfast and firm, and strengthen the spirit of solidarity, tolerance and national unity of our people, to make the Memorial Day of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide a day of prayer and reconciliation.