Message of His Holiness Karekin II at the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Conference

Message of His Holiness Karekin II at the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Conference 18.09.2017

Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic of Armenia,
Your Excellency, Mr. President of the Republic of Artsakh,
Spiritual Brother, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia,
Honorable participants of the 6th Armenia - Diaspora Panarmenian Conference,

We greet you on the occasion of the convening of the conference, and extend to you all Our love and the blessings of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

We are delighted that through a common vision of national unity, the sons and daughters of our nation from the diaspora have gathered today once again in the Homeland, under the auspices of the Armenian Government, in order to discuss issues and problems concerning our national life.

The Armenia-Diaspora conferences have become a significant platform for strengthening the unity between Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, for fostering collaboration, for deepening mutual recognition between the various layers of our people as well as for expanding relations amongst them. Today our common responsibility and concern for the presence and the future of our people has gathered us in the Homeland. The geo-politic developments and within this context the challenges facing our national identity: the difficulties of the socio-economic life, and the empowerment and security of our country, are the primary concerns of our current generation.

We have certainly reached some visible achievements thanks to the collaboration between Armenian and Diaspora, and through this we were able to advance the national life in Armenia, Artsakh and in the Diaspora. The participation of Armenians from the Diaspora in our national life has been noteworthy: starting from the immediate and courageous participation in the liberation battle for Artsakh, the material investments in the life of our newly created country, up to the lobbying activities in favor of Armenia and Artsakh carried out in foreign countries. No doubt, efforts have been made by our government; to strengthen the bonds and collaboration between the Homeland and the Diaspora; to support the national organizations operating in the Diaspora; to help different bodies in the Diaspora to unify their efforts and abilities to provide more targeted activities and to assist the sons and daughters of our people who are victims of warfare, in Syria as well as in Iraq.

However, the works carried out have not yet eliminated all the challenges. The problem concerning Artsakh; the continual policy of denial against the just and legal claims of the Armenian Genocide; emigration; the socio-economic hardships in the Homeland, and the protection of security at our borders; continue to trouble us.

Although undergoing many difficulties, our country nevertheless, is the pillar as well as the assurance of the survival of our nation. It is the time, when although having carried the heavy burden of tribulations, our country should direct its steps in the path leading to prosperity, which demands a complete centralization and unification of powers and abilities. We are all persistent and in one accord in terms of nation unification.

However, the unification should be free of partial agendas and temporal interests. The rank and position, the social status as well as the material and intellectual abilities of the sons and daughters of our nation should be directed towards the prosperity of our country and to the advancements of our people and revival of the national life all over the world. Whether we are Armenians living in Armenia or in Diaspora, we are all equally responsible for the Homeland and nation. We cannot turn our back on our Homeland because of a failed business or unjust incident that happened to us. We cannot turn our back on the Homeland when it is in hardship, troubled and facing challenges, or when it is less rich or less convenient. We are the soldiers and servants of our country. This should be our motto. We should love our Homeland simply because it is ours, because it has been sanctified by the blood and sweat of our fathers and has been passed unto us.

Each person - as a child of the nation, as a bearer and carrier of the ancestral tradition, is strong thanks to their Homeland. And the strength of our Homeland is our people united in Armenia and in the Diaspora.

Next year we shall celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia which is a call and encouragement for national unity. Our people showed the example a century ago by protecting the Homeland and by restoring the statehood due to a collective will. Today, the reinforcement of the defense of our country demands even more joint efforts, as well as a diligent and sober realization of the situation against the danger of war, and more sense of responsibility. We must keep our country away from disturbance and must bring all the efforts for securing peace and reaching victory over the recognition of Artsakh.

With this vision we extend our prayer to God, so that He may bless our conference, grant success to the works of the organizers and participants, illumine our minds to be able to find the best path for the prosperity and advancement of our country and people.

May God keep the world, our country and people in peace. Let the graces of our Lord, His love and mercy perpetually remain with us and with all, now and forever. Amen