Meeting of the Catholicos of All Armenians and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Moscow

Meeting of the Catholicos of All Armenians and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in Moscow 02.04.2019

On April 2, the meeting of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholic of All Armenians and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia was held at the St. Daniel Monastery in Moscow (Russian Federation).

The delegation members accompanying the Catholicos of All Armenians were His Eminence Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhichevan; Very Rev. Fr. Shahe Ananyan, Director of the Ecumenical Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin; Rev. Fr. Anania Tsaturyan, staff-bearer of the Catholicos of All Armenians and Rev. Fr. Vahram Melikyan, Director of the Information System Department of the Mother See. 

During the meeting an exchange of official welcoming remarks was held. 

His Holiness Karekin II stated in part: 

“Your Holiness, dear Brother in Christ, 

With fraternal warm greetings and prayers to God we welcome and once again congratulate You on the 10th anniversary of Your election as the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. We are glad to be in Moscow again and meet You to convey our sincere wishes for Your good health and long and productive enthronement. Our heartfelt prayer is that the Almighty God keep You, the clergyman of the Russian Church and the Russian faithful brothers under His blessing and care. It is also pleasing to see that the relations established between the Russian authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church are beneficial with good results for the benefit of the spiritual-ecclesiastical, progress and brightness of public life of Russia's faithful people. During the years of Your Pontificate, significant achievements and accomplishments have been recorded in propaganda mission, educational, social, church-building and many other areas. As priority in Your mission are Your efforts for the sake of strengthening of relations and cooperation between the nations, Churches and religions.
It’s a satisfaction for us to reflect on the centuries-old fraternal ties between our faithful people, which are strengthening through the cooperation between our states, the developing relationships of our sister Churches and union of prayerful efforts. The Armenian community of Russia is an important bridge for the strengthening of friendship between our countries and people, that enjoying the benevolence of the country's authorities and Paternal attitude of Your Holiness, extends the good contribution to the development of the Russian state and the progress of public life.

Dear Brother in Christ, during our various meetings we have often reflected on the current challenges, when the paths of life often lead people away from God, when violation of moral and spiritual values, ethnic intolerance, terrorism and war, need and poverty, balanced and negative expressions of globalization are obvious. In Your ecumenical and pontifical mission You have always had the vision of preserving and valuing the spiritual-moral values, the idea and approach of spreading and re-evaluation of these values in the state and public life. In this sense we are particularly happy to record the strengthening of cooperation between the Eastern Orthodox and Orthodox Churches and the uniting of forces in various social, humanitarian and public issues, especially considering the beautiful and comforting examples of cooperation between our Churches in the complicated context of Middle East.

Dear Brother, with spiritual satisfaction and appreciation, we would like to reflect on Your important role as the Pontiff of the Russian Orthodox Church in organizing a trilateral meeting of the spiritual leaders for the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Today, our people, having the pain of loss in their hearts, respects and commemorates the glorious memory of the heroes who died in the four-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan on April 2, 2016. The exceptionally peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict is essential for maintaining peace and stability in the region. The key to the solution of the problem is the establishment of a peace-building environment, including through the implementation of confidence-building measures and militarized rhetoric reduction. The authorities and people of Armenia and Artsakh are steadfast in their aspiration for peace and solidarity. That way, however, can not be unilateral.

In this regard, we would like to pay your attention to one case. Recently, Karen Ghazaryan, a resident of the Berdavan village of Tavush province, who has been found in the territory of Azerbaijan in unsettled circumstances, was sentenced to 20 years in prison in Azerbaijan, who has mental problems. That verdict was a violation of human rights. In this regard, referring to the previous experiences of the Spiritual Leaders, we appeal for Your petition in front of the spiritual and secular authorities of Azerbaijan through maintaining international commitments to return the young man to his family.

Dear Brother in Christ, once again, with love and brotherly greetings, we wish You our Lord's support and abundant graces to continue wisely lead your beloved flock for the brightness of Russian Orthodox Church and spiritual comfort of your faithful people”.

In turn, expressing gratitude for the congratulatory message and best wishes of the Catholicos of All Armenians on the 10th anniversary of His enthronement, His Holiness Patriarch Kiril expressed satisfaction that the relations between the Armenian Apostolic and Russian Orthodox Churches during the past ten years were characterized by brotherly love and warmth. In his remarks, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia referred to the active activity and engagement of the Armenian Diocese in Russia in strengthening the ties between the two Churches, as well as the spiritual life of the community under the patronage of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Republic of Armenia.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the two Patriarchs confirmed with satisfaction the developing partnership and cooperation between the two people and churches ahead the religious-social issues in ecumenical and international various platforms.