International Symposium in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral

International Symposium in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral 11.09.2003

On September 12 and 13, 2003, an International Symposium presided by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, will be convened in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin dedicated to the 1,700th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral of All Armenians. The title of the Symposium is: "Holy Etchmiadzin - the Inheritance of the Past, the Mission of Today, and the Hopes for Tomorrow". The goal of the symposium is to present the role of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenian history and her achievements throughout all Christendom and her role in the culture of the people, while reflecting upon her mission today and in the future. 


Friday, SEPTEMBER 12 

10:30 AM Opening Ceremony (Great Hall of the Pontifical Residence) 

Welcoming Address: His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian
Message of Blessing: His Holiness KAREKIN II, Catholicos of All Armenians
11:00 AM "Heritage" (Part One) 

1. "The Architecture of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin"
Dr. Murad Hasratyan
2. "Holy Etchmiadzin and the Armenian Church in the 4th Century"
Dr. Vrej Vardanyan
3. "The Literary Conception of Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenian Literature"
Vardan Devrikyan
4. "Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin at the Crossroads of Armenian History"
Academician Vladimir Barkhudaryan
5. "Etchmiadzin: Describing the Ineffable in the Teaching of St. Gregory the Illuminator and the Syriac Tradition"
Professor Sebastian Brock


12:50 PM Plenary Session 

1:30 PM Lunch 

2:30 PM "Heritage" (Part Two) 

1. "Etchmiadzin in the Eyes of Non-Armenians"
His Eminence Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian
2. "The Worship in Holy Etchmiadzin: The Development of the Armenian "Surb Patarag" as mirrored in post-communion and final rites"
Professor Robert Taft
3. "Etchmiadzin: Remarks on its Most Famous Scholars and Some Reflections on the Term 'Etchmiadzin' and Related Terminology"
Professor Gabriele Winkler
4. "The Name of Etchmiadzin: A Historic-Linguistic Survey"
Professor Jasmine Dum-Tragut
5. "From the Holy Mother to the Holy Etchmiadzin: The Theology of the Sacred Place"
Professor Abraham Terian 

4:30 PM Plenary Session 

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 13 

11:00 AM "Mission for Today" 

1. "The Role of the Pontifical Legates in the History of Holy Etchmiadzin"
Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khachatryan
2. "The Significance of Holy Etchmiadzin for the Dioceses of the Diaspora"
His Eminence Archbishop Hagop Kelendjian
3. "The Mission of Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenia and Artsakh"
His Eminence Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan
4. "Holy Etchmiadzin and the Christian Confessions: A Special Pattern of the Dialectics Between the Universal Church and the Loca Churches in the Christian Oikumene"
Rev. Fr. Levon Zekiyan 

12:30 PM Plenary Session 

1:30 PM Lunch 

2:30 PM "Hope for Tomorrow" 

1. "Spiritual Service in the Military as a Means of Achieving Christian Peace"
Very Rev. Fr. Arshen Sanosyan
2. "The Modern Concept of Social Diakonia and the Church in Post-Soviet Armenia"
Dr. Karen Nazaryan
3. "What does the Youth of Armenia expect from the Armenian Church"
Miss Noemi Andreasyan
4. "The Role of Holy Etchmiadzin in the Next Century"

His Grace Bishop Mikael Ajapahyan 

15:50 PM Plenary Session 

16:30 PM Closing Address and Benediction 

Closing Address: His Grace Bishop Navasard Kjoyan
Benediction: His Holiness KAREKIN II, Catholicos of All Armenians