His Holiness Karekin II Visits Inmates of the Abovian Detention Facility

On Wednesday of Holy Week, March 27, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, visited the Abovian Detention Facility for Women and Juveniles. The facility, located outside of Yerevan, Armenia, is the only one in the Republic which houses women and juvenile offenders. The facility currently has approximately 200 women and juvenile inmates, who are housed separately.

His Holiness first met with the administration of the detention center, and inquired as to the welfare of the prisoners. His Holiness was encouraged to hear that the focus of the facility was rehabilitation for introduction back into society, in addition to punishment for the crimes committed.

The Catholicos next met with the inmates who were assembled to hear his message. His Holiness spoke of Holy Week, concentrating on the fact that he specifically chose Holy Wednesday to visit, in order to reinforce in them the mystery and sacrament of the Glorious Resurrection of Christ. His Holiness encouraged them saying, ?We wish to re-awaken the image of the Resurrected Christ and bring His Hope into your lives. From the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, we bring to you this Light, so that you may live a New Life.?

His Holiness, directing them to not lose faith and remain steadfast and hopeful said, ?We continually keep you in our prayers.? Commenting on Holy Week, His Holiness further exhorted them to ?Walk in the footsteps which Christ is walking this week, and become worthy of the Resurrected Christ.?

In addition, His Holiness blessed the employees and the administration of the facility, calling upon them to, ?Always keep love in your hearts, and treat the inmates with fairness, kindness and righteousness.?

Following the formal assembly, His Holiness met privately with the inmates to hear their concerns and answer their questions. His Holiness was accompanied during the visit by His Grace Bishop Navasard Ktchoyan, Vicar of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese, and Rev. Fr. Arshen Sanossian, Director of the Prison Ministry Program for the Mother See.