His Holiness Karekin II Signs Appeal for Olympic Truce

On February 7, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mrs. Sophia Kalandzaki, a member of the Parliament of Greece.

Mrs. Kalandzaki informed His Holiness that the aim of her visit was to present the appeal for peace to all countries of the world on the occasion of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah.

His Holiness welcomed Mrs. Kalandzaki, stating, "We encourage all those initiatives, which are directed towards the establishment of peace. We believe that the church, in this new millennium, has a large responsibility in this endeavor peace, between individuals, between peoples and between nations."

In the course of the meeting the Catholicos of All Armenians reviewed the appeal titled "Olympic Truce", which has been signed by more than 170 nations as well as 50 high-ranking clergymen representing various Churches. His Holiness signed the appeal the same afternoon.