His Holiness Karekin II Sends Letter to National Assembly for Wales

His Holiness Karekin II Sends Letter to National Assembly for Wales 01.11.2002

On October 30, 2002, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians sent a letter to the National Assembly for Wales on the occasion of their "Statement of Opinion on the Armenian Genocide".

The entire text of the letter appears below:

October 30, 2002

Right Honorable Rhodri Morgan, First Minister
Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, Presiding Officer
The National Assembly for Wales

Dear Members of the National Assembly for Wales,

We offer glory and thanks to Almighty God that you have gathered today to announce the official Statement of Opinion of the Armenian Genocide by the National Assembly for Wales. We are proud and thankful that following the brutal years of 1915 through 1923, the Armenian people found shelter and acceptance in the United Kingdom, as in many other regions and countries throughout the world. The children of the first genocide of the 20th century not only survived in their new environments, but they thrived, becoming contributing, loyal and worthy citizens of their adopted homes.

However, more than 80 years following the First World War, this important issue remains before us and the whole of mankind. Genocide is not a crime against one nation, but rather a crime against all people. The offense of genocide is one against man and against God, in view of the fact that God's primary grace is the gift of life. The defense of life is the most important responsibility which has been entrusted to us, and each life protected is a gift we can offer back to God. Every human being should be made aware that any action directed as a danger against the life of man, shall be condemned from its inception.

Many states and governments have courageously recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide, because they have correctly realized, as has the National Assembly for Wales, that genocide is the gravest crime against humanity. The only way to prevent genocide is to recognize it. The only way to find justice for its victims, both living and dead, is to condemn it.

We highly appreciate and value your consideration of this issue and readiness to champion its resonance to higher bodies and greater awareness. This humane and caring act encourages all in this troubled and turbulent world who have been the victims of man?s inhumanity towards man. We thank your Assembly for finding this issue worthy of deliberation.

At the dawn of the Third Millennium, the world is faced with many difficult challenges. It is suffering from numerous evils, chief among them the threat and consequences of global terrorism. Genocide and terrorism cannot be seen as a path of solution to the religious, social and political conflicts of our times. Human suffering which threatens the safety and stability of the world can be and must be stopped. However it takes brave men and women such as you to help justice prevail.

On behalf of the worldwide Armenian Church and People, We, as Catholicos of All Armenians, commend the National Assembly for Wales for their recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. From the spiritual center of our nation, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, We offer Our prayers up to God in heaven, asking for His bountiful blessings and His ever-provident care to be with the people of Wales, the United Kingdom, Her Majesty the Queen, and all of mankind.

With Blessings,