His Holiness Karekin II Sends Letter of Condolence to U.S. President

His Holiness Karekin II Sends Letter of Condolence to U.S. President 05.02.2003

On February 4, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians sent a letter of condolence to United States President George W. Bush, for the disaster which destroyed the Space Shuttle Columbia and took the lives of the seven courageous Astronauts. His Holiness conveyed to President Bush his sentiments of deep sympathy and consolation, on behalf of the Armenian People dispersed throughout the world, and offered prayers for the repose of the souls of the seven explorers.

In the letter, His Holiness states, "Along with all of mankind, We are constantly amazed at the bravery of these fine men and women who explore the heavens and chart the future. The international, multi-ethnic and heroic crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia is a true manifestation of a world We pray for and would welcome: One where humanity joins all of its efforts and resources to improve life."

Further, His Holiness expressed his sympathy to the families and friends of the Astronauts, as well as to all of the God-loving people of the United States of America.