His Holiness Karekin II Receives the Youth on the Feast of Saint Sarkis

His Holiness Karekin II Receives the Youth on the Feast of Saint Sarkis 22.02.2004

Upon his election and enthronement as Catholicos of All Armenians, His Holiness Karekin II declared the Feast of Saint Sarkis to be the day of "Blessing the Youth". It has already become a popular tradition for hundreds of young men and women to come to Holy Etchmiadzin on that day, to pray and enjoy the fellowship of their friends. This year, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received over 350 young men and women who had come on a pilgrimage from the Araratian Pontifical Diocese, the Diocese of Aragatsotn, and the Armenian Church Youth Centers operating in Yerevan. His Holiness welcomed them all in the large hall of the Pontifical Residence, and expressed his happiness at the growing numbers of new members who continue to fill their ranks. 

"Our people and nation will be strong and powerful when our young generation feels the presence of God and the Mother Church in their souls; when they learn to believe that the mission of the Church and the mission of their lives is one and the same", noted His Holiness in his message. 

The Pontiff of All Armenians also spoke about the problems and many challenges presently facing the youth. He stated, "Today our young generation is facing danger, and that danger is a lack of faith, an indifference towards faith, and temptations of entertainment and pleasure which are not anchored on a life lived according to the commandments of our Lord . . . There are a growing number of new 'values' infiltrating our lives from foreign places, which aim to keep our faithful flock separated from the sacred faith and patriotism of their forefathers." 

Following his remarks, His Holiness answered questions from the group, and concluded with a prayer, asking that St. Sarkis be the intercessor for their requests before Almighty God. 

Rev. Fr. Torgom Tonikian, Representative of the Catholicos in the Diocese of Aragatsotn; Rev. Fr. Khad Ghazarian, Spiritual Dean of the Armenian Church Youth Centers; and Rev. Fr. Dajad Davidian led the young people during their pilgrimage to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.