His Holiness Karekin II Receives the Prosecutor General of Georgia

On May 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Zurab Adeishvilli, Prosecutor General of Georgia who was accompanied by Mr. Aghvan Hovsepian, Prosecutor General of Armenia. 

Greeting the first visit of the high ranking guest to Armenia and Holy Etchmiadzin, His Holiness placed emphasis on the importance of such state level meetings, stressing that the close relations and cooperation being developed between the different structures of the two countries is most beneficial. 

During the meeting between the Catholicos and the Prosecutor General, the issues surrounding the current problems facing the Armenian churches located in the Armenian Diocese of Georgia were discussed. The Catholicos of All Armenians expressed his conviction that these and other problems surrounding a number of Armenian Churches in Georgia will be resolved together with the support and assistance of the Georgian authorities.