His Holiness Karekin II Receives the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

His Holiness Karekin II Receives the President of the Republic of Bulgaria 14.10.2004

On September 23, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received His Excellency Georgi Parvanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria. The President was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Zorka Parvanov; Archbishop Dometiyan, Metropolitan of Vidin of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church; and high-ranking delegation members from Bulgaria. The Catholicos of All Armenians welcomed the Bulgarian President to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and introduced him to the long history of Christianity in Armenia. His Holiness noted with pleasure his many happy memories from his Pontifical Visit to Bulgaria two years ago. His Holiness also spoke of the current status of Church-State relations within Armenia, as well as the difficult regional and global issues currently facing the civilized world. The Catholicos asked that the President and the Metropolitan convey his fraternal greetings and Christian love to His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. President Parvanov thanked His Holiness for the reception, noting his happiness at the progress of relations between the two states and two Churches. The President placed great importance on the spreading of Christian ethics, morality and values throughout society, and confirmed that it was due to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Christian faith of the Bulgarian people that his nation and country have managed to overcome great difficulties. Metropolitan Dometiyan conveyed the warm greetings of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to the Pontiff of All Armenians, and noted that it was a great joy for him to visit the spiritual and hierarchal center of the worldwide Armenian Church. The Archbishop further stated his confidence that the warm relationship between the two Churches was an excellent example of brotherhood and friendship which would greatly benefit the progress and prosperity of Christians worldwide. His Grace Bishop Yeznik Petrossian, General Secretary of the Department of Inter-Church Relations of the Mother See, and ambassadors of both countries also attended the meeting.