His Holiness Karekin II Receives the Newly Appointed Apostolic Nuncio for the Roman Catholic Church

On Tuesday, March 19, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Msgr. Claudio Gugerotti, the new Apostolic Nuncio for the Roman Catholic Church for the Caucasus.

His Holiness greeted Msgr. Gugerotti and welcomed his new appointment. His Holiness expressed satisfaction, that the representative of the Roman Catholic Church in the region was someone who was aware of the Armenian nation?s history, culture and present-day life. Recalling last year's visit of Pope John Paul II to Armenia on the occasion of the 1,700 Anniversary of Christian Statehood, His Holiness expressed satisfaction with the existing brotherly relations and cooperation between the two Churches.

Msgr. Gugerotti conveyed to His Holiness the greetings of the Pope, and thanked the Catholicos for the audience. The monsignor assured His Holiness that he would work diligently to contribute towards strengthening the ecumenical ties and cooperation between the Armenian Church and the Roman Catholic Church, specifically in the areas of education and social services.

His Holiness conveyed his salutations to the Roman Pontiff, wishing success to the newly appointed Nuncio in his mission.

Msgr. Zalutski, a member of his council, accompanied Msgr. Gugerotti. The Nuncio's residence will be in Tibilisi, Georgia.