His Holiness Karekin II Receives the General Secretary of the United Bible Societies for the Middle East and European Regions

On Wednesday March 20, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Rev. Dr. Miller Milloy, General Secretary of the United Bible Societies for the Middle East and European Regions.

His Holiness welcomed Dr. Milloy, noting that this was his first visit to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The Catholicos mentioned that he highly appreciates the activities of the United Bible Societies, and the beneficial work they are doing to assist the Armenian Church is making Holy Bibles available to the faithful of Armenia.

In return, Dr. Milloy referred to the mission of the United Bible Societies in Armenia, and accorded great importance to the cooperation and collaboration with the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The best example of that cooperation is the work undertaken by the Armenian Bible Society to produce a modern Eastern Armenian translation of the Holy Scriptures upon the pontifical order of His Holiness.

In the course of the meeting, concern was expressed that during the years following Independence, various Christian sects and Non-Christian cults have published and distributed twisted variants of the Holy Scriptures, which are distorted and adapted to their corresponding preaching, thus arousing confusion and misunderstanding among the people. His Holiness and Dr. Milloy agreed that greater effort must be exerted to publish and distribute Holy Bibles among the kindergartens, public schools and universities in the Republic of Armenia.