His Holiness Karekin II Receives Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian

On April 19, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Miss Isabel Bayrakdarian, Canadian-Armenian soprano and soloist of the New York Metropolitan Opera, in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. 

His Holiness welcomed Miss Bayrakdarian to the headquarters of the worldwide Armenian Church, and gave his Pontifical blessing to the talented singer. His Holiness expressed his appreciation to her for beautifully and expertly introducing Armenian Church hymns and melodies to an entirely new audience in many countries throughout the world. 

The Pontiff of All Armenians noted, "It is a pleasure to meet a distinguished young Armenian who has come to her Motherland to express her love and devotion to Armenia and to the Armenian Church, and her spiritual center - the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Your talent, labors, and zealous pursuits contribute and benefit to the good name of our people and nation, and we are proud of you and your achievements." 

Miss Bayrakdarian thanked His Holiness for the audience, stating in part, "Your Holiness, Armenian spiritual music is the nourishment of my soul and my heart, as it is impossible to live without faith. All graces which have been granted to me by God, I intend to always use for the sake of our Motherland and our Holy Church." 

Miss Bayrakdarian was in Armenia for her debut performance before audiences in the homeland. She was invited by the Hamazgayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society. Miss Bayrakdarian was accompanied during her visit to Holy Etchmiadzin by her mother, Mrs. Lalique Bayrakdarian; pianist Mr. Serouj Kradjian; Ms. Lilit Galsdian representing the Hamazgayin Cultural Society; and a film crew of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which accompanied her visit to Armenia for the preparation of a film.