His Holiness Karekin II Receives Russian Communications Minister

On Sunday, April 14, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Leonid Reiman, the Minister of Communications for the Russian Federation, and his delegation. Mr. Andranik Manoukian, Minster of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Armenia, accompanied the guests.

Welcoming the guests, His Holiness expressed satisfaction with the centuries-old fraternal and warm relations between the Armenian and the Russian Orthodox Churches. His Holiness referred to present day cooperation between the two churches, especially in the sphere of education. His Holiness stated, ?We are grateful that in addition to the institutions of higher learning throughout Europe and the West, our graduates from the Kevorkian Theological Seminary will have the opportunity to advance their education in the theological institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.?

The Minister informed His Holiness about the aim of his visit to Armenia, and thanking His Holiness for the audience, mentioned that meeting the Armenian Pontiff was a great honor for him.