His Holiness Karekin II Receives Rolandas Paksas, President of the Republic of Lithuania

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Rolandas Paksas, President of the Republic of Lithuania 17.09.2003

On September 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Rolandas Paksas, President of the Republic of Lithuania. The Lithuanian President and his delegation are in Armenia on an official visit. Mr. Paksas, accompanied by his wife, Laima, were received in the Pontifical Residence during their visit to the headquarters of the Armenian Church. 

Welcoming the visit of the President of Lithuania to the Mother See, His Holiness expressed contentment for the rapidly developing relations between the newly independent Caucasian and Baltic states, and specifically between Armenia and Lithuania. The Catholicos expressed assurance that mutual cooperation would contribute to the development of both countries. His Holiness noted, "We are joyfully following the news surrounding your visit to our biblical land, and are glad as we have become aware of the successes and achievements gained in your country during the last decade." The Pontiff of All Armenians, expressing satisfaction for the care displayed by the Lithuanian authorities towards the local Armenian community, stated, "Due to the kind care (of Lithuania's government) towards our flock, they now have the opportunity to build an Armenian Church and to re-strengthen their national-spiritual life." 

Mr. Paksas, thanked His Holiness for the reception and noted, "This meeting is the focus of my visit to Armenia. When being in a part of the world which has millennia of history, one experiences the deepest of emotions." The president placed great importance to the role of the Church in the life of the nation, noting in particular, that successes and achievements gained in Lithuania are also the result of the close cooperation with the Church. 

At the end of their meeting, His Holiness escorted President and Mrs. Paksas on a tour of the Pontifical Residence Museum.