His Holiness Karekin II Receives Prime Minister of Lebanon

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Prime Minister of Lebanon 02.04.2004

On April 2, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received His Excellency Rafik Hariri, Prime Minister of Lebanon, and his delegation in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Accompanying Mr. Hariri was Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Vartan Oskanian. 

His Holiness welcomed the honored guest to the worldwide headquarters of the Armenian Church, and reflected upon the friendship and warm relations which exist between Armenia and Lebanon, according great importance to the role of the Armenian community in Lebanon in the progress of that country. 

His Holiness noted, "We are happy to welcome you and your distinguished delegation in the spiritual and hierarchical center of the Armenian Church and people. Our appreciation to the government officials of Lebanon, through whose goodwill and benevolence, the children of our nation live free in your country as worthy citizens of your republic. It is our prayer, that God keep the historical friendship between our two peoples steadfast and strong, so that both our countries may realize all of those positive ideas which are aimed at progress and development." 

The Prime Minister of Lebanon expressed his gratitude to the Pontiff of All Armenians for the reception, and spoke about projects aimed at strengthening Armenian-Lebanese cooperation and collaboration. 

"It is a great honor for us to visit the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and meet with Your Holiness. This visit is the tangible evidence of those warm relations which exist between our two peoples and governments. Armenia is a kindred country for us, one that has seen manifold challenges, but I am hopeful that peace will reign, founded on justice and forgiveness", stated the Prime Minister. 

His Holiness and Mr. Hariri also discussed the important and vital historical role that Lebanon played in the lives of the Armenian people following the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century. 

Also present for the meeting were: His Grace Bishop Paren Avedikian of the Mother See; His Grace Bishop Vasken Mirzakhanian, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia; Very Rev. Fr. Arshak Khatchatrian, Chancellor of the Mother See; the ambassadors of both countries, and members of the government and parliament of Lebanon.