His Holiness Karekin II Receives President of NATO's Parliamentary Assembly

On May 15, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians received Rafael Estrella, President of the Parliamentary Assembly for NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

His Holiness welcomed President Estrella to Armenia and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. He noted with satisfaction, the cooperation that exists between NATO and Armenia, and expressed his assurance that NATO will bring its beneficial assistance to the region, as well as to the peace of the entire world.

During the meeting, Estrella updated His Holiness on the current fields of work for NATO, noting that his visit to Armenia has two main purposes: To accommodate the will and desire of the Armenian people to be a part of European associations; and to protect the peace, security and freedom of Europe. Estrella said that NATO is on the side of resolving all disputed issues through dialogue and mutual understanding. Estrella also stressed that the Southern Caucasus is a region of special importance for NATO, as it is for Europe.

Mr. Estrella also spoke about NATO's new agreement with Russia, and said that NATO also wants to work more closely with countries in the Caucasus. (The agreement establishes a new council where Russia will sit alongside the 19 NATO nations to formulate joint policy on terrorism and other shared threats, including biological and chemical weapons and civil defense planning.) The Catholicos invited Mr. Estrella to meet the people of Armenia, stating, "We are happy that your visit presents occasions for you to see our cultural and spiritual institutions. You can see the psychology of our nation and their love of peace reflected in our culture."

Mr. Estrella thanked His Holiness for the kind reception and enjoyable visit. In addition, he mentioned that Armenia would soon be granted observer status in the parliamentary assembly, made up of legislators from NATO member states.

His Holiness offered a prayer for the safekeeping and well-being of the delegation, and wished them success in their productive and peace-bearing work.