His Holiness Karekin II Receives Mr. Fayez Absie, Head of Mission for the Syrian Arab Republic

On October 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Fayez Absie, Head of Mission for the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Republic of Armenia.

Welcoming the first visit of Mr. Fayez Absie to the worldwide spiritual center of the Armenians, His Holiness noted that the Armenian nation with gratitude remembers the warm and hospitable attitude shown by the Syrian State towards the Armenians, who had hardly escaped the Armenian Genocide of 1915. His holiness with satisfaction stressed the fact that today the Armenian community of Syria leads a national-spiritual life, The testimony of that reality His holiness had witnessed during the pilgrimage to Der Zor last year.

In his turn Mr. Fayez Absie mentioned that Armenians are not guests in Syria, They have already become an important sector of the society of Syria.

At the conclusion of the meeting, paying farewell to the guest, His holiness wished Mr. Fayez Absie success and fruitful activity.

His Grace Bishop Yeznik Patrossian, Secretay of Inter-Church Relations? Department of the Mother See of holy Etchmiadzin, attended the meeting.