His Holiness Karekin II Receives Mikhail Kasyanov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

His Holiness Karekin II Receives Mikhail Kasyanov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation 06.11.2002

On November 5, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Mr. Mikhail Kasyanov, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and his delegation.

Welcoming the distinguished guest, His Holiness expressed joy that his visit to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin contributes to the fostering of spiritual ties and contacts between the Armenian and Russian nations. In addition, His Holiness mentioned that the friendship of the two nations was based upon centuries of history, and develops today at the highest levels, which contributes to the progress of both countries and peoples.

In response, Mr. Kasyanov thanked His Holiness for the kind reception, and stressed the important role of the church in maintaining and strengthening the friendship between the Armenian and Russian nations.

His Holiness also expressed condolences to Mr. Kasyanov for the recent terrible acts of terrorism which took place in Moscow?s Cultural Theater, in the Russian Federation. The Catholicos offered a prayer for the repose of the victims? souls.

At the conclusion of the meeting His Holiness presented Mr. Kasyanov a jubilee medal dedicated to the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity as the Official Religion of Armenia and an album of the Treasures of the Armenian Church.