His Holiness Karekin II Receives Members of the Canadian Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Group

On May 16, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, received Canadian Members of Parliament. The delegates are members of the Canadian Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Group. They were accompanied by Mr. Ara Papian, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Canada.

His Holiness welcomed the delegation and expressed happiness with the positive relationship that exists between the two countries. He noted the warm attitude of the Canadian authorities towards the local Armenian community, which he witnessed during his pontifical visit to Canada in May of 2001. His Holiness mentioned with satisfaction, that as citizens of their adopted country, Canadian Armenians not only participate in the socio-political life of their country, but also continue to rally around the Armenian Church, thereby maintaining their national-spiritual life.

Mr. Sarkis Assadourian, a member of the Canadian Parliament and leader of the delegation, extending gratitude to His Holiness for the reception, reported on the development of Armenian-Canadian relations. Discussions included the issue of the official recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Canadian Parliament, as well as the possibility of a Canadian Embassy being established in the Republic of Armenia. The guests informed His Holiness that the group has undertaken the initiative to present corresponding proposals in the Canadian Parliament. His Holiness encouraged them to do so, stating that he considered the issue of the Armenian Genocide?s recognition important and essential. The Catholicos said, ?It is becoming increasingly clear, that people can no longer grasp the difference between combating terrorism and remaining indifferent to genocide, as they are closely related. If we cannot condemn the Genocide, we will not be able to contain terrorism. We do not see the Genocide as significant to one race or ethnicity, rather to all of mankind. We are hopeful that the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide will become an official reality. Only that can keep mankind free from it in the future.?

Responding to the guests? questions, His Holiness imparted information about the activity of the Armenian Church since the proclamation of independence, as well as present-day challenges facing the Church.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the guests presented His Holiness with a large-scale reproduction of the postage stamp issued in Canada last year, on the occasion of the 1700th Anniversary of Official Christianity in Armenia, with the signatures of the Canadian Members of Parliament, and prominent members of Canada?s Armenian community.